Friday, October 31, 2008
Bev Perdue -- already looking at wallpaper patterns for the governor's mansion?
The main difference between the two interviews? Pat McCrory actually told people why they should vote for him and asked for their vote, while Bev Perdue made several statements letting us know that she expects to be coronated on November 4th rather than elected.
One guy called to talk about vouchers and his problem with the Durham County school system, and her answer was that he should come visit her once she is governor so they can talk about the problem in that system. No answers, just an assumption that she will be governor.
And even if that were a valid response, does that guy really expect her to give him the time of day once she takes office?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Perdue's attack ads about garbage are... garbage.
Bev Perdue has been running negative ads against Pat McCrory that accuse him of wanting to let New Jersey and New York dump their trash in North Carolina. Her reason for running this ad? A $1000 contribution made to Pat McCrory from “an individual connected to a North Carolina waste management company”. Because of this single contribution, Perdue has concluded that Pat McCrory must be in the back pocket of “Big Garbage”, and has run numerous ads about this very issue.
Interestingly enough, it seems Bev Perdue is being quite hypocritical in this respect. Perdue recently received a $4000 contribution from Tonio Burgos of New Jersey, the owner of a lobbying firm that represents Sims Hugo Neu, a company which has been planning to build a landfill in Brunswick County.
You know, this isn’t even about the issue of allowing landfills in North Carolina. I personally think that such an issue should be left up to the communities they affect. If the people of Brunswick County think that it would be best for their local economy to build a landfill, then what business is it of mine in Guilford County? Likewise, why does is this Raleigh’s business? Why should Brunswick County forgo what they think may be a lucrative contract because Big Brother in Raleigh has decided to limit what businesses are allowed in our state?
That’s not even what this argument is about. Perdue is not attacking McCrory’s views on the issue, she’s attacking the fact that he accepted $1000 from someone connected to NC waste management. And yet, she is the candidate who accepted four times that amount from someone in New Jersey with a fiscal interest in North Carolina’s waste management system.
As SNL’s Amy Poehler would say – “REALLY, Bev Perdue? Do you REALLY want to make that argument? Huh!”
Friday, October 24, 2008
New McCrory ad highlights major newspaper endorsements
I saw this new ad for gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory this morning while getting ready for work. Ironically, it aired right after one of Bev Perdue's negative ads which accuses McCrory of being a "danger" to North Carolina.
I personally love the fact that McCrory has been able to do so well in this race regardless of the negative ads that Perdue runs against him, and he has somehow managed to not sink to her level in the advertising game. This most recent ad, like all of his others, highlights his strong points without attacking his opponent -- a stark contrast to all of Perdue's ads, which solely target McCrory rather than provide any good reason to elect her to our highest office.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
education issues in the final debate
McCrory is also against it, but he wants to change the culture of arrogance where no one dares question the state government's decisions.
McCrory thinks that letting DC tell us how to run our local schools is wrong. Communities, principals, and teachers need to have more control over education, not bureaucrats.
McCrory -- on a limited basis, especially for special needs children, need a choice
Perdue -- "the only person on the platform standing between the people and vouchers". Is that supposed to be a good thing? This is why I don't want our health care to be socialized -- look at how powerless we are in the education system!
Energy, illegal immigrants, gas tax
Bev Perdue states that the tax is so high, and that's why she supports "a freeze on gasoline". She wants us to come up with a different way of financing roads in NC instead of the gas tax, but she doesn't give an example.
McCrory says the gas tax is too high, but he would rather cut the income tax before cutting the gas tax, as that will affect many more people. He also thinks the Highway Trust Fund has been abused and wants to stop that in the state legislature.
Perdue would rather discuss the gas tax.
McCrory doesn't want illegals to attend our universities, those slots should be left open for NC residents, especially since our university system has been strained (esp. during hard economic times).
Munger thinks we should admit them, because apparently illegals that don't go to college get into drugs. Ehhh....
McCrory believes in off-shore drilling and natural gas. The number one issue is jobs, and those should be created through our energy policy.
Perdue refuses to address off-shore drilling because Congress has repealed the moratorium, and therefore it doesn't matter what she thnks. McCrory rebuted and pointed out that the states will still have some control over whether this is drilling off the coast of NC -- Perdue just doesn't want to have to take a stance.
Health care -- illegal immigration
Democrat Perdue wants to push prevention to lower cost. She believes that the mandates are critical to health insurance in NC. She wants to work together to make sure that "everyone gets a chance to see a doctor" -- but doesn't quite explain herself.
McCrory attempted to tell us that he doesn't know where she is getting her data, but said he's "used to it" :)
The question now is about illegal immigrants. Munger just wants to make it easier to be legal.
Perdue just accused McCrory of using "undocumented workers" in Charlotte, and urges that everyone needs to "play by the rules" when it comes to illegal immigration.
McCrory responds and states that the "net cost of illegal immigrants" is greater than any gain, and it is imperitive to stop illegal immigration.
Live blogging the LAST gubernatorial debate
While screaming at my internet connection, I've witnessed Bev Perdue flub over several lines while delivering her usual talking points. Pat McCrory, on the other hand, has successfully showed the audience that he has the experience to lead the state, as seen most recently by his meeting with the head of Wells Fargo, which has recently announced it's plan to buy Charlotte's own Wachovia.
They just asked a question about what should change in regards to the income tax and corporate taxes in NC, and Perdue is talking about how she handled Hurrican Floyd. I'm really not sure that was part of the question, but that was her answer.
McCrory basically addressed Perdue's answer and explained that she is part of the wasteful spending that has helped raise NC's taxes. When he becomes governor, he wants to get rid of the secretive wasteful spending in order to help lower all taxes, which as Munger pointed out, are some of the highest in America.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Three down, one to go
The Winston Salem Journal (10/12/08) -- "North Carolina enjoys a gubernatorial election this year with three candidates who would make good governors. The Journal thinks that Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory is the best qualified of the three to be a very good governor...
"The Journal was especially impressed with McCrory's promises to rethink our transportation needs and make long-range plans to meet them. He also impresses us with promised policies of an open office, thus allowing the public to see how its government operates."
The Greensboro News & Record (10/12/08) -- "Pat McCrory's stump speeches and debate performances make a good case for his candidacy. But his record as the longest-serving mayor of North Carolina's largest city makes an even better one. McCrory, 51, a Republican who grew up in Jamestown, has won seven consecutive terms as Charlotte's mayor.
"You don't receive that many votes of confidence without doing something right.
"In a city, which unlike Greensboro, holds partisan elections for its leaders, McCrory has worked effectively across party lines to get things done on a majority-Democratic city council. Also unlike Greensboro, where the mayor is merely one of nine equals, Charlotte's mayor wields veto power to go with the title...
"McCrory's skills and experience are best suited to provide what Raleigh needs most right now: a broad view, a clear plan and an ambitious vision."
Charlotte Observor, 10/05/08 -- "N.C. voters face a difficult choice for governor on Nov. 4. We recommend a vote for Republican Pat McCrory. We believe McCrory's experience, approach to government, outsider perspective and willingness to take a stand make him a better choice than Democrat Bev Perdue.
"McCrory would bring an urgently needed energy to the office. While we don't agree with him on every issue, he knows where he stands on most aspects of state government and why he stands there. He's too sure, sometimes, that his position is right, but that certitude is preferable to Perdue's tendency to base her stands on what she believes is politically expedient.
"As Charlotte mayor for 13 years, McCrory, 51, has shown steady leadership. He has presided over a prosperous age for the city driven in large part by people and factors that had little to do with him. But he has generally kept city government clean and helped make Charlotte a place where people want to live, and one which has attracted thousands of newcomers."
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Easley throws away $250,000 in taxpayer money -- Perdue complains debate stories "not fair"
State officials are scrambling to recover a $250,000 down payment after canceling an order for a new $9 million jet.
Gov. Mike Easley on Wednesday ordered the N.C. Department of Commerce to scrub the deal after reporters asked about the Cessna Citation jet, called the Encore+. The reversal came during a week in which Easley told agencies to prepare for a 3 percent budget cut.
"A plane is not necessary," said Easley spokeswoman Sherry Johnson. "It's not going to be purchased in this economy."
"If it was wrong when the media found about it, it was wrong before the media found out about it," said Jack Hawke, senior adviser to Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory, the GOP candidate for governor. "It's part of the culture of secrecy that covers up these things and wastes taxpayer dollars."
I don't think I need to even COMMENT on that story.
Perdue protests debate story
Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue says she has debated plenty.
The Democratic nominee for governor criticized an N&O/Charlotte Observer story Wednesday on how U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Dole has largely avoided debates and how Perdue is skipping the only live statewide televised debates.
"It took me almost three or four minutes to get to the part that said, 'Oh by the way, she's done four [debates],' " Perdue said during a meeting with the N&O editorial board Wednesday. "'She's done one every month. She's doing one next week.'"
Perdue and McCrory have faced off in four debates that were televised in individual TV markets, such as Raleigh, which sometimes were picked up by stations elsewhere in the state.
Perdue said that five debates, counting one next week in Charlotte, is more than any governor's race in history. She said the article wasn't fair, but added: "I'm a grownup. Things don't need to be fair."
Really? Then why go running to the editorial board to complain that the News & Observor is reporting the truth? Grown-ups realize that there are consequences to their actions. Bev Perdue wants to avoid interviewing for the state's highest executive position, and she expects everyone to overlook her absence.
Guess what, Bev? We've put up with 8 years of that kind of government, and we're sick of it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Transparency in North Carolina government
During one of the first segments, Munger announced that the state of North Carolina recently sought to buy a private jet, only to nix their plans once the media got wind of the deal.
Just a few moments ago, McCrory pointed out that Bev Perdue was scheduled to attend a fundraiser hosted by a controversial Board of Transportation member, and only canceled once the media found out about it.
It seems that Bev Perdue is more like Governor Mike "Tax-Hike" Easley than she would like people to believe.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Polls looking up for Pat McCrory
Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory has edged ahead of Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue in the gubernatorial race with less than five weeks until the election, according to a new WRAL News poll.
Polling firm Rasmussen Reports surveyed 700 likely voters statewide Tuesday and found that McCrory, the Republican candidate, holds a 50 to 46 percent lead over Perdue, the Democratic candidate...
The only segments of voters where Perdue holds a lead, according to the poll, are those under age 30, unmarried voters and those making either less than $20,000 or between $60,000 and $75,000 a year.
So basically, the only voters who are voting for Perdue are people who are already planning to vote straight-ticket Democrat. I wonder if they would be so gung-ho to vote for her if they knew how reluctant she is to have anything at all to do with the party's presidential nominee, Barack Obama.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
With friends like that, who needs political opponents?
It seems the Republican Governors Association (NOT the McCrory campaign) has re-posted a website that the Richard Moore camp put out during the primaries. Richard Moore was Bev Perdue's Democratic opponent in the primary earlier this year, and their attack ads against each other were infamous on local television stations.
The site, originally, is not written by Republicans who want to see Pat McCrory in office -- it's written by Democrats who DIDN'T want to see Bev Perdue in office. Of course, the original site has been removed, since it's not kosher to go against your own party these days (Joe Lieberman, anyone?), but the facts are still there.
Interesting stuff. I'd be interested in how Richard Moore feels about this.